摘要: 多视图建筑立面建模通常局限于稀疏点重建,且多方向立面的重建误差较大,对设备要求严格、系统庞大。针对该问题,提 出一种基于地基投影的立面建模算法。通过场景预处理,标记视图序列的有序立面。对分组视图计算3D稀疏点,由稀疏点同步求 解场景地基线和矫正立面。由地基线生长局部立面模型,经模型融合恢复场景三维立面模型。实验结果表明,算法重建结果具有准确、连续的三维结构与可视化纹理,在一定的稀疏点使用比例内,其立面角度误差小于5°,线比例误差低于1%,可满足室外场景建模工程的需求。
Abstract: Multi-view modeling of building facades is usually confined to the reconstruction of sparse points, and has large errors in the reconstruction of different direction facades, demanding equipments and large systems. Aiming at this problem, a facade modeling algorithm based on foundation projection is presented. The order of facades in a view sequence is marked through scenes pretreatment. The algorithm calculates the 3D sparse points for each grouped view, and solves the scene baseline and rectifies facades synchronized by these sparse points. The local facade models are built via the baseline, and the three-dimensional facade model of scene is recovered after local models fusion. Experimental results show that the reconstruction has accurate, continuous three-dimensional structure and visualization texture modeled by this method, and can meet the needs of outdoor scenes modeling project. The facade angle error is less than 5° and line scale error is less than 1% within a certain proportion of the used sparse points.
Key words:
3D reconstruction,
facade model,
foundation projection,
image modeling,
facade rectification